Optimum by Callens - Thermische naverbrander
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Clever use of residual gas flow

Thanks to our engineering, this client’s residual gas flow has cleverly been put to good use.

One of the residual gas flows of this resin manufacturer contains hydrogen, carbon monoxide and various hydrocarbons. We cleverly put this low-calorific residual gas flow to good use by turning it into fuel for a double-flame steam boiler with steam super-heater. In spite of the residual gas’s low calorific value (2100 kJ/Nm3 LHV) we managed to create a heating process without support fuel. What’s more, we executed the heating process using a special burner concept: the stabilising chamber.


Technical characteristics

  • Output steam boiler: 12,500 kg/h
  • Maximum working pressure steam boiler: 15 barg
  • Calorific value waste gas: 2,100 kJ/Nm3 LHV
  • Maximum waste gas processing capacity: 14,000 Nm3