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Thermal incineration

Thermal oxidizers dispense with odour emissions, volatile organic compounds, and hydrocarbons. Added advantage of dealing with Optimum by Callens? We turn any undesirable substances into useful energy inasmuch as humanly possible, helping you to boost your profit.

Thermal incineration for every industrial application

Thermal incineration is the most efficient way to reduce emissions of harmful pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). By incinerating the gaseous pollutants at high temperatures (750 à 1,200 °C), these substances are broken down into less harmful compounds, such as carbon dioxide and water vapour. In that way, thermal oxidizers reduce air pollution and improve air quality. But, more importantly, they are the perfect solution if you are looking to recover useful heat.


If the waste gas does not contain enough VOCs to keep the incineration process going by itself, support fuel will be required. Depending on the composition of the waste gas stream, you may need to further purge the waste gas stream of non-combustible substances like heavy metals, halogens, and combustion products NOx and SOx.

Thermal odour treatment

Odour neutralisation is essential if your production process generates unpleasant or, worse still, nauseating odours. With the right technology, the people living and working around you will never be affected and you will always remain well below the legal emission values.


Odour treatment in production processes

Odour treatment in production processes ensures efficient odour elimination close to the source. Contaminated air streams, like baking fumes, are incinerated at extremely high temperatures in the thermal oxidiser’s combustion chamber. These high temperatures break down the organic molecules that cause the smell into less odorous compounds, like carbon dioxide and water vapour.


Odour treatment is commonly used in industrial sectors where odour emissions pose a problem for the surrounding area, such as waste processing, chemical production and food processing. View a flagship project here.

Catalytic exhaust gas after-treatment


Heat recovery


Optimum integration with your production process

Proven to be better than regenerative incineration

Catalytic exhaust gas after-treatment

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of flue gasses reduces pollutants in the thermally incinerated waste gas streams. Nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), and carbon monoxide (CO) are the most common substances that can be drastically reduced by means of catalytic after-treatment. SCR has an elimination efficiency of more than 95 %.


Curious to find out whether we can reduce your pollutants?

Heat recovery

Heat recovery in combination with thermal incineration has become highly cost-effective thanks to the technology Optimum by Callens developed. The heat released is redirected to the steam, thermal oil, hot water, and hot air applications downstream. Like at this particular client.   


Heat recovery improves your energy efficiency and reduces your operational costs. This not only makes thermal incineration with heat recovery an environmentally friendly solution but also an economically viable investment.


Do your flue gases contain substances that are likely to contaminate your boilers? In that case too, heat recovery would make for a perfect and cost-efficient option, provided you include our APCS boiler cleansing system.

Optimum integration into your production process

The design of your thermal oxidizer is as important as its integration into your production process, your vapour extraction system, the power grid your oxidizer is connected to and, in the case of biogas-fuelled systems, you water purification system. Optimum has a proven track record in this field and even anticipates any future changes to your production process.


With an installed base of more than 35 systems, the food industry, and more specifically the potato processing industry, is one of our biggest customers for thermal oxidizers. In fact, 95% of them rely on Optimum by Callens to combat their emissions. Also the chemical and processing industry are making avid use of them.

Proven to be better than regenerative incineration

Even though regenerative incineration does have it uses in certain niche applications, thermal incineration has been proven to be better at and more efficient when it comes to combating VOCs. Furthermore, thermal incineration can handle a wider range of pollutants, among which organic and inorganic pollutants.


And last but not least, thermal oxidizers are usually less complicated to install and easier to integrate into existing industrial processes than regenerative energy technologies, which is what made them more affordable and cost-efficient.

Joining forces with Optimum by Callens stands for:

usp--persoonlijke aanpak

A personal approach to clients and staff

usp--eigen studiedienst

An in-house engineering department with experienced engineers


Total solutions and optimum integration

usp-technologieën betere toekomst

Technology for a better future